500+ English common sentences used in daily life


500+ English common sentences used in daily life

English is a widely spoken language that is used on a daily basis in a variety of contexts and situations. Here are some common English sentences used in everyday life that people of all age groups can understand:

English sentences used in everyday life are the building blocks of communication in the English language. From simple greetings to expressing opinions and making requests, these sentences play an important role in our daily interactions.

Greetings and Introductions:

Hello! How are you?

Good morning/afternoon/evening!

What's your name?

Nice to meet you.

Asking for and Giving Information:

Can you help me, please?

Where is the nearest restroom?

What time is it?

How do I get to [a specific place]?

Expressing Gratitude:

Thank you!

Thanks a lot!

I really appreciate it.

Making Requests:

Could you please pass me the salt?

Can I have a glass of water, please?

Would you mind opening the window?

Daily Routines and Activities:

I wake up at 7 o'clock every morning.

After school, I like to play soccer.

What did you do today?

Expressing Likes and Dislikes:

I love chocolate ice cream.

I don't like broccoli.

Do you enjoy reading books?

Talking about Weather:

It's a beautiful day, isn't it?

It's raining outside.

How hot is it today?

Talking about Family and Relationships:

I have two sisters and one brother.

My mom and dad are going on vacation.

Are you married? Do you have children?

Making Apologies and Excuses:

I'm sorry for the mistake.

I couldn't come because I was busy.

Please forgive me.

Expressing Opinions and Preferences:

I think pizza is delicious.

My favorite color is blue.

I prefer action movies over romantic movies.

Common Daily Use English Sentences

  1. How are you doing?
  2. What is your name?
  3. Nice to meet you.
  4. Can you help me, please?
  5. Where is the nearest bank?
  6. Excuse me, do you have the time?
  7. Thank you!
  8. Could you pass me the swab, please?
  9. Can I've a glass of water, please?
  10. What time is the meeting?
  11. I will be there in five twinkles.
  12. How was your day?
  13. I am sorry for the mistake.
  14. Please forgive me.
  15. I love this song!
  16. Do you like coffee?
  17. Let's go for a walk.
  18. I can not stay for the weekend.
  19. Have a great day!
  20. What is the rainfall like moment?
  21. It's raining outdoors.
  22. I've two sisters and one family.
  23. My favorite color is blue.
  24. Are you married?
  25. I do not like racy food.
  26. What do you do for a living?
  27. I am sorry, I do not understand.
  28. Where is the nearest machine stop?
  29. Can I've the check, please?
  30. How do I get to the gallery?
  31. I will have a cheeseburger, please.
  32. What is your favorite movie?
  33. Are you free hereafter?
  34. I enjoy reading books.
  35. Let's meet at the demesne.
  36. I am going on vacation coming week.
  37. I am really tired moment.
  38. What did you do over the weekend?
  39. I prefer tea to coffee.
  40. How old are you?
  41. This is succulent!
  42. What is your favorite sport?
  43. Can I adopt your pen?
  44. I am looking for a new job.
  45. I am agitated about the musicale tonight.
  46. Could you turn down the volume, please?
  47. I've a croaked appointment hereafter.
  48. Do you have any faves ?
  49. Let's celebrate!

Common Daily Use English Sentences Morning 

  1. Good morning! How did you sleep?
  2. Did you have a good rest last night?
  3. What are your plans for the day?
  4. Would you like a mug of coffee or tea?
  5. The rainfall looks nice moment, does not it?
  6. Have you had breakfast yet?
  7. I am running a bit late this morning.
  8. Are you ready to start the day?
  9. What time do you generally wake up?
  10. I need to snare commodity to eat before I head out.
  11. Have you checked the news this morning?
  12. Do you have any important meetings or movables moment?
  13. It's a beautiful morning, perfect for a walk.
  14. I am feeling a bit swim my. I need some coffee.
  15. Do you have any morning rituals or routines?
  16. Let's make the utmost of this fresh launch to the day.
  17. Have you seen the daylight recently? It's stirring.
  18. What is your favorite way to kick start your mornings?

Small Sentences for child

I love playing with my friends.

Can I have a cookie, please?

Thank you for helping me.

Goodnight, sleep tight!

I'm excited for my birthday party.

Can we go to the park today?

I want to read a story before bed.

Look, I drew a picture!

Can I have a hug?

I'm sorry for breaking the toy.

Mom, I need help to tie my shoelaces.

Can I play with the toy too?

Let's build a castle with the blocks.

I'm proud of my drawing.

Can we have ice cream for dessert?

I miss my best friend.

Can we go on a family trip?

I don't want to go to bed yet.

Can you read me a bedtime story?

I want to be a superhero when I grow up.

English Sentences Used in Daily Life for student :

Can you please pass me the pencil?

I'm excited for the school trip next week!

Thank you for helping me with my project.

I enjoy playing soccer during recess.

Do you want to study together for the upcoming test?

Can I borrow your textbook for a moment?

Let's meet at the library after school.

I'm trying to improve my English-speaking skills.

I'm saving money to buy a new laptop for school.

The teacher explained the concept in a clear way.

I'm looking for a good book to read during the summer break.

Can you recommend any educational websites or apps?

I'm volunteering at a local charity this weekend.

I need to organize my school supplies and backpack.

I am practicing my presentation skills for an upcoming project.

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