100+ English common sentences used in daily life


100+ English common sentences used in daily life :

English is a widely spoken language that is used on a daily basis in a variety of contexts and situations. Here are some common English sentences used in everyday life that people of all age groups can understand:100+ English common sentences used in daily life

English common sentences used in daily life

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500+ English common sentences used in daily life


Here Some Example English common sentences

  1. Can I have a glass of water, please?
  2. I'll have the same as him/her.
  3. What's your favorite sport?
  4. Excuse me, do you have a moment?
  5. I'm really excited about the concert tonight.
  6. I'll pick you up at 8 o'clock.
  7. What's your favorite season?
  8. Could you please close the door behind you?
  9. Thank you for your understanding.
  10. Can you please help me find my keys?
  11. What's your favorite restaurant in town?
  12. I'll have to check my schedule.
  13. How was your weekend?
  14. Can you recommend a good movie?
  15. I'll do my best.
  16. What's your favorite animal?
  17. I'll see you tomorrow.
  18. Where did you grow up?
  19. What's your favorite TV show?
  20. Excuse me, do you have a minute?
  21. What's your favorite holiday destination?
  22. Could you please close the window?
  23. I'll be right back.
  24. Can you please speak a bit slower?
  25. Thank you for your patience.
  26. And here are 20 more:
  27. Can you please remind me of your name?
  28. What's your favorite type of cuisine?
  29. I'll take the next train.
  30. How's your family doing?
  31. Can you recommend a good song?
  32. I'll try my luck.
  33. What's your favorite book?
  34. I'll see you next week.
  35. Where did you study?
  36. Can I have a moment to myself?
  37. I'm sorry, I don't have the answer.
  38. What's your favorite hobby?
  39. Excuse me, do you have any spare change?
  40. I'll keep you updated.
  41. What's your favorite city?
  42. Could you please open the window?
  43. I'll be waiting for you.
  44. Can you please speak up?
  45. Thank you for your time.
  46. Good morning, how did you sleep?
  47. Can I get you some coffee?
  48. What's the weather like today?
  49. Have a great day at work!
  50. I'll see you later.
  51. Thanks for your help.
  52. Could you please pass the salt?
  53. It's time to go to bed.
  54. I'm running late, sorry!
  55. What are your plans for the weekend?
  56. I need to go grocery shopping.
  57. Let's grab a bite to eat.
  58. How was your day?
  59. I'm so tired, I need a break.
  60. Can you give me a hand with this?
  61. I'm looking forward to the weekend.
  62. What's your favorite movie?
  63. How do you like your coffee?
  64. I can't find my keys anywhere.
  65. Let's go for a walk.
  66. I'll be there in a few minutes.
  67. What time is it?
  68. Can you recommend a good restaurant?
  69. I had a long day at work.
  70. I'll call you back later.
  71. Would you like some more water?
  72. What's the latest news?
  73. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
  74. Let's meet up tomorrow.
  75. How's your family doing?
  76. Can you believe it's already July?
  77. Do you want to watch a movie tonight?
  78. Have you finished your homework?
  79. This traffic is terrible.
  80. What's your favorite color?
  81. I need to buy some new clothes.
  82. Can I borrow your pen?
  83. I love the smell of fresh flowers.
  84. I'm feeling under the weather.
  85. Let's go for a drive.
  86. Do you have any plans for the holidays?
  87. What's your favorite book?
  88. The meeting got postponed.
  89. How do you spell that word?
  90. I can't find my phone.
  91. It's such a beautiful day outside.
  92. Do you have any pets?
  93. What's your favorite food?
  94. I'll have a salad, please.
  95. I can't wait to see you again.
  96. What's your phone number?
  97. Let's take a break and relax.
  98. Can I have a glass of water?
  99. I had a great time with you.
  100. I'll be on vacation next week.
  101. Are you free tomorrow afternoon?
  102. I need to do the laundry.
  103. Can you help me with this math problem?
  104. I'll do my best to finish it on time.
  105. What's your favorite music genre?
  106. Let's go shopping this weekend.
  107. I'm going to the gym after work.
  108. Have you been to that new restaurant?
  109. I'm so excited for the concert tonight.
  110.  Can I have the check, please?
  111. What's your dream job?
  112. I'll send you the document via email.
  113. Do you want to go for a swim?
  114. I'll pick you up at 7 PM.
  115. Can you recommend a good movie to watch?
  116. My phone battery is almost dead.
  117. I'll be right back.

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