The Honest Woodcutter


Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst a dense forest, there lived a woodcutter named John. He was known for his hard work and honesty. John would wake up early every morning, take his axe, and venture deep into the forest to collect firewood.

One sunny morning, as John was going about his usual routine, he came across a beautiful lake. Mesmerized by its crystal-clear waters, he decided to take a moment to rest and admire the tranquil scenery. As he sat by the lake, he noticed something glistening at the bottom. Curiosity piqued, John waded into the water and retrieved a small golden axe.

Overwhelmed with joy, John exclaimed, "This must be a gift from the heavens! I have never seen such a splendid axe before." Little did he know that the axe belonged to the water nymphs who dwelled in the lake.

As John was about to leave, a water nymph emerged from the lake. She had seen the woodcutter's kind heart and decided to reveal herself to him. With a melodious voice, she spoke to John, "You have proven yourself to be an honest and deserving soul. As a reward, I shall grant you a wish. Would you like to keep the golden axe you found or exchange it for a normal one?"

Deeply moved by the nymph's generosity, John replied, "Thank you, noble nymph. However, I would prefer to have my old, worn-out axe back. The golden axe may be beautiful, but it does not hold the sentimental value and trust I have developed with my old tool."

The water nymph was taken aback by John's selflessness and honesty. She was so touched by his response that she not only returned his old axe but also gave him the golden one as a token of appreciation.

From that day onward, John became the talk of the village. His reputation for being an honest and hardworking man spread far and wide. The villagers admired him for his integrity and the wisdom he displayed in his decision.

As time passed, John's work continued to flourish. He used the golden axe with great care and respect, but he never forgot the importance of honesty and gratitude. He remained humble and always lent a helping hand to those in need.

The story of the honest woodcutter and his golden axe became a legend, passed down through generations. It taught the villagers the true value of integrity, honesty, and the power of a kind heart.

And so, the woodcutter's tale serves as a reminder to all that material possessions may come and go, but one's character and integrity are truly priceless.

What are some questions to ask about a story?

Where does this story take place? Tell me what this place was like. ... Who has a problem in this story? ... What do you know about the author? ... What was the plot or main idea? ...

What makes a good story for kids?

Like a piece of art, a good children's book is greater than the sum of its parts. It is honest, has a sense of wonder, and shows respect for the young child.

How do you read a story for kids?

How do you read a story for kids? Here are 5 Simple Reading Tips you can try when reading picture books to children. 1) Create interest in the story by discussing the cover. ... 2) You don't have to read every word on the page. ... 3) Comment on the story while you are reading. ... 4) Change your voice for each character.


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